Sunday, December 02, 2012


In spite of having a Photobucket the size of Montana since Friday I managed to have a good weekend. 
Friday evening I went out for drinks and dinner with a friend. 
Friday night another friend arrived for a visit until Sunday morning. 
Sunday afternoon I met up with some more friends that used to belong to the same ball team a billion years ago. One fella lives in California now so we don't get to see him often but we always try to get together whenever he is in town.
I am very soon going to take my regular night meds plus some ibuprofen and crawl into bed.  I would really prefer to not start my work week tomorrow with a headache.


  1. I hope your headache goes away soon!

  2. I suffer often from headaches. I feel for you. Honestly, sometimes, I would take labor over a headache.
