Saturday, January 05, 2013

I am grateful for ...

December 31 
  1. Lemax village pieces on sale 
  2. anti biotics 
  3. watermelon
December 30 
  1. minor treatment section of Emerg 
  2. chocolate on sale 
  3. books on sale
December 29
  1. friends with medical knowledge 
  2. dollar stores 
  3. my fireplace to warm me up when I am cold
December 28
  1. polysporin for my hurt leg 
  2. SPLAT
  3. brothers
December 27
  1. disposable mouse traps 
  2. spray on pain relief
  3. retailers that rush work
December 26
  1. a spare dishwasher
  2. a Dad that is handy 
  3. Tim Horton's 
December 25
  1. Christmas with my Dad 
  2. creativity to replace missing roasting pan 
  3. greetings from family and friends
December 24
  1. Christmas Eve with friends 
  2. a warm bed on a cold night 
  3. Christmas
December 23 
  1. dinner at a steak house
  2. phone calls from old friends 
  3. a garage I can use
December 22
  1. a long relaxing soak in the tub 
  2. popcorn for dinner 
  3. mocha
December 21
  1. the Mayan calendar being wrong 
  2. a garage door opener that works 
  3. discounts for cash payment
December 20 
  1. a relatively warm day in the midst of a cold snap
  2. pizza delivery on a snowy day 
  3. prompt response to requests for service 
December 19 
  1. my over protective Daddy
  2. places where you can get parts for stuff so you don't have to replace the whole item 
  3. former in laws that stay in touch
December 18 
  1. honest retailers that suggest what is best for the customer instead of what is going to make them the most money 
  2. stuff I am looking for ON SALE 
  3. indoor/outdoor thermometers
December 17 
  1. good ideas from my Dad
  2. a pantry that I can find stuff in 
  3. discovering tools I thought were lost or broken
December 16
  1. baby aspirin to help Spike when he has pulled muscles - he slipped getting into the truck
  2. HD TV
  3. my Dad for coming for Christmas 
December 15
  1. Christmas lights 
  2. decorations that belonged to my Mom
  3. my little silver tree in memory of my Grandma
December 14
  1. days off work
  2. my Dad's knowledge - he can fix anything!
  3. the knowledge that me and mine are safe on this day of tragedy
December 13
  1. my dad - just because!
  2. WestJet for getting Dad here in spite of the snow storm
  3. friends that kept me calm all day while I was worrying about Dad travelling
December 12
  1. call display so I know when to not answer the phone
  2. people that understand my limitations
  3. Santa's Choice
December 11
  1. the best boss ever
  2. pre Christmas sales
  3. social media to help me stay connected with friends near and far
December 10
  1. an unexpected phone call from a dear friend 
  2. naughty text messages
  3. hazelnut coffee

December 09
  1. friends that talk me down when I get pissed off
  2. finding stuff I thought was lost
  3. fun Christmas lights 
December 08
  1. Pet photos with Santa 
  2. my bed warmer 
  3. Glucerna to give me some nutrition when I don't feel like eating
December 07
  1. dinner with the gang for the first time in much too long 
  2. vitamin E cream for my sore hands and feet 
  3. having ME back! 
December 06
  1. my awesome male friend DSD who makes the most ego boosting comments
  2. Christmas cards in the mail 
  3. my friend Toni for coming over at noon today to let Spike today so I could go for lunch with work friends 
December 05 
  1. the ability to recognize when someone is not doing well 
  2. good friends that are so generous with me and my family 
  3. friends that make me laugh 
December 04
  1. an AMAZING mechanic 
  2. call display 
  3. my bed 
December 03 
  1. BCAA to cover towing 
  2. car rental company that picks you up 
  3. Visa 
December 02 
  1. visits from friends that live far away
  2. weekends 
  3. PVR so I can watch what I want when I want 
December 01
  1. medications that help me sleep
  2. friends that make me laugh
  3. restaurants with delivery service


November 30 
  1. friends that go "above and beyond" for me 
  2. Christmas lights 
  3. having had the privilege of knowing a woman named Sherry.  She was a coworker and a dear friend. Sherry left us 4 years ago today and the world truly is a darker place since she is no longer in it. Gone but never forgotten Sherry!
November 29
  1. Dollar stores 
  2. people that still talk to me after I "divorce" their family member
  3. SPLAT
November 28 
  1. Ibuprofen to soothe the aches and pains 
  2. A fireplace on a chilly evening 
  3. my first Christmas card of the year
November 27
  1. Good friends in the real and/or cyber world
  2. Pets that make me smile every day
  3. Russian dressing on my salad

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